Timothy P. McMullen is the Chief Operating Officer at CynergisTek Inc.
Timothy's mailing address filed with the SEC is 11940 JOLLYVILLE ROAD, SUITE 300-N, AUSTIN, TX, 78759.
Over the last 7 years, insiders at CynergisTek Inc have traded over $0 worth of CynergisTek Inc stock and bought 134,800 units worth $301,375 . The most active insiders traders include Paul Thomas Anthony, John D Abouchar, and John Lawrence Sr Flood. On average, CynergisTek Inc executives and independent directors trade stock every 85 days with the average trade being worth of $22,739. The most recent stock trade was executed by Michael Henry Mcmillan on 1 December 2021, trading 10,000 units of CTEK stock currently worth $14,400.
CynergisTek is a top-ranked cybersecurity firm dedicated to serving the information assurance needs of the healthcare industry. CynergisTek offers specialized services and solutions to help organizations achieve privacy, security, and compliance goals. Since 2004, the company has served as a partner to hundreds of healthcare organizations and is dedicated to supporting and educating the industry by contributing to relevant industry associations. The company has been recognized by KLAS as a top performing firm in healthcare cybersecurity and was awarded the 2019 Top Healthcare Cybersecurity Consultants in Black Book IT Advisory Outcomes Survey.
CynergisTek Inc executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include: